We are making a difference in many lives
September 15th, 2016
As we travel with the message that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end, the comment we hear most often is, “Thank you for giving us this information; I have never heard these viable alternatives to the teachings of Darwinian Evolution and the long ages taught from the geologic column. You have helped me to continue to have faith in God despite all I hear in the media, school, and museums.”
Saturday, September 24th, Rick will be the speaker from 9-11:30am at a conference held and supported by five local churches. The location is Christ Church, 15555 E. Bainbridge Ave., Fountain Hills, AZ 85269; phone: 1-480-837-3121. Recently, Rick spoke at one of the churches and the pastor said he felt this information is so vital he would speak to the other pastors and this is the results of all our prayers.
The following is a quote is from a fourth year aerospace engineering student at a California University who attended Rick’s lectures at Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego, California in 2012: “I had a fledgling faith in Christ and was incredibly science-oriented growing up, so an old universe was my presupposition for most of my life. I’ve had a huge strength and comfort in God’s word during my time here at college, because I now understand God is my Creator and that his word is the truth. I have confidence his word is true whether or not I doubt it. Thank you guys for keeping the faith and pursuing your mission in spite of opposition and difficulties…How full is your schedule over the next year or two? Would you consider coming out to speak in San Luis Obispo if arrangements were available? It’s been on my heart for a few years to ask if you guys would ever want to come out to the San Luis Obispo area and share the wisdom from God you have about young earth creationism and the validity of God’s word…I know you guys really bolstered my faith, and I want to see my friends/brothers and sisters in the Lord have that same confidence. I don’t personally feel equipped to give such a presentation, nor do I have the credentials. Please consider a trip to San Luis Obispo.”
This note is from a retired teacher: “I just wanted to let you know how much it has meant to me personally. In the past I have cowered at the table during discussions with my educated uncle who believes in the new age teachings of churches that the world evolved over millions of years and people did evolve from apes and we are still “evolving”, but thanks to the fact that we only live a minute amount of time, we’ll never see the next step of evolution. He has two PHDs and is definitely educated beyond his intelligence (that’s how my dad, a devout Christian, always described him). I can’t get him to even listen to anything that Rick has on tape or even check out Russ (Miller) or others. Most of my family (and all of his living sisters and brothers)…all believe the Bible… I just pray for him. He’s getting really old and I’m afraid his time is near and I really don’t want to see him pass without believing…I just wanted you to know that although I can’t support you with money, I am continuing to support you in prayer. God bless you”
This note is from a precious mother who attended Rick’s lecture at The Home Church in Lodi: It was such a treat to meet the two of you. I can’t explain it but you revived something in me and I’m so thankful for it. It is such a blessing to meet people who are on top of topics like the two of you are. Thank you again for the DVD. You already hold a special place in my heart. I will pray for your ministry and I hope you have safe travels home.”
This note is worth repeating from one who attended Rick’s lecture last year in Tennessee. Thank you for the eye opening information shared at Calvary Chapel Brentwood. What a blessing for us! I am not an “ologist” but have had many years of biology, pharmacology and physiology under my belt as a Nurse Practitioner (and President of my High School Science Club many years ago). Most of the information you shared was new to me which is frankly embarrassing as I am currently a doctoral student who works in pulmonary research, I am very aware how data can be manipulated but never looked farther than what was taught to me; I took it for fact. I have struggled with science and faith issues and you have helped me to see this struggle in a much different light. Thank you!”
Entry Filed under: Evolution
1 Comment Add your own
1. Julie McEntee | September 4th, 2018 at 8:38 am
Greetings! I wanted to let you know how much our 5 boys enjoyed your messages at Hartland’s Homeschool Family Camp. We were sorry we had to leave early. We were especially excited about your mention of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. One of our sons had just posted a video about that very subject on our astronomy blog at https://godmadeknown.blog. Thank you so much for the work you do educating others on the truth of our awesome God and Creator.
from Julie for the whole TMac clan.
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