No longer walking with the Lord
June 2nd, 2010
God called Rick and me to encourage others to believe and walk according to God’s Word rather than “…science falsely so called. 1Tim. 6:20.”
After Rick’s lectures many have said now they were on the same page with God and that His Word is truly believable from Genesis to Revelation and now they are walking with God again. Amos 3:3 states, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” As our hearts beat with God’s heart we will walk together with Him and other Believers, glorifying Him as He uses us.
A few years ago we were with Dr. Steve Austin on a scientific expedition that proved the nautiloid fossils were laid down catastrophically covering an area so vast it includes four states. We believe this is evidence that confirms a world encompassing flood as declared in the Bible as the Noadic flood
(Gen. 6-9). During our conversation he stated that of all his christian friends who hold PhD’s in science who are theistic evolutionists no longer walk with the Lord. This fact shows compromising God’s Word leads us on a path away from Him.
It occurred to me as I was praising God for opening so many hearts to His freeing Truth that many hearts are beginning to beat with His heart, resulting in changed lives. Many have received salvation for the first time, or now say they want to serve Him and work to reconcile others to His ways and His Word. They have become sheep want to produce sheep.
Our enemy, satan, knows very well that divided a house falls. Satan’s lies and deception have caused many to “think” they believe God and are walking with Him, but unless we choose to believe ALL He has written from Genesis to Revelation, we call God a liar, and do not agree with God. Satan attempts to cause doubt as he shoots at Genesis which is our foundation in the Word of God. He has caused many to doubt God’s Word in the beginning with the lie of macro evolution (life from non life). When we agree with God we stand with Him against the “father of lies, (satan).” But when we choose to believe satan’s lies rather than the Word of God, we stand with satan; thereby calling God a liar. Romans 3:4 states, “let God be true and every man a liar.”
We agree with our Creator God that His Word is true and by faith walk in the truth…walking together with Him and each other.
Thank you for joining us in prayer and support as we “go,” with the purpose of glorifying God.
Entry Filed under: Evolution
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